Vee Skeeno is a rare form of artist and it’s difficult to capture exactly what factors allow for him to stand out so uniquely.
His content is personal, but a lot of artists come through with true-to-life stories and revelations in their music. Listeners get a range of emotions from Skeeno, but how many artists don’t present different emotions throughout their tracks? He’s a talented lyricist who can run the gauntlet as far as flipping his delivery based on the vibe of the record…but, again, that isn’t a “unique-to-Skeeno” trait.
All that being said, when I listen to Vee Skeeno recite his prose, there is a certain energy and aura about the music that puts it in a league of it’s own. And that’s not even saying it’s “better” or “worse” when compared to his contemporaries. It’s just different and – speaking only from my perspective – it captures my attention in a truly idiosyncratic fashion.
The music Skeeno creates radiates with an authenticity that highlights the multi-dimensional being behind the art itself. He’s a balance of so many different vibes and emotions and sometimes it’s hard for him to uphold and keep that balance aligned – the music has a tendency to reflect this, as if he’s simply purging his feelings in hopes of either making some sort of sense out of them or removing the weight of those waves of emotions and thoughts from his physical.
With Skeeno, one can almost literally sense that the music he creates is helping to save his life.
“A Feeling” features that raw energy, with Vee Skeeno coming out the gate delivering his lyrics with a vengeance, allowing listeners to experience his highs, lows, self-doubt and confusion in a self-assured way. It’s as if his confidence is stemming from the fact he recognizes how all over the place his mind is – he might not know exactly what to do with it, but he’s owning it and, in a way, taking power and gaining inner-strength from it.
Production comes courtesy of KingNamedTutt, who once again serves Skeeno with an engaging sonic backdrop that houses the lyrical content to perfection. The heavy sounding instrumentation is pulled back just enough to allow Skeeno’s delivery to take the forefront, serving to punctuate his bars without becoming overbearing.
sometypeofasadgenius is coming next year.
Press play on Vee Skeeno’s “A Feeling” below.