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Watch Now: Tank And The Bangas - Hot Air Balloons (feat. Alex Isley)

Oh, baby! You already know the vibes don’t lie and “Hot Air Balloons” comes complete with a vibe-laden adventure into the sonic space that is Tank And The Bangas. From the moment you press play, this one lifts you up high in its comforting embrace while simultaneously washing over your psyche and cleansing your spirit with its pure, almost seductive energy. And, man, that energy is a wondrous one. Alongside the accompanying visual treatment, “Hot Air Balloons” is the epitome of good energy, coupling with the fun aura that encapsulates the entire experience as it breathes a cool breeze over and through the listener.

“Hot Air Balloons” is romantic, sensual and smooth, all while staying super grounded – which may seem ironic based on the title and content, but it works majestically. It’s a nice blend of upbeat energy, smiles and slick wit, forged in perfect union with the calm, mellow musical foundation. As the visual plays through and the protagonists manifest the story through their vibrant actions, one gets a sense that every scene was a fun one to capture. And the excitement of the artists helps to magnify the overarching authenticity that radiates throughout “Hot Air Balloons.”

The Alex Isley-blessed joint finds life on Green Balloon, which is available now on all your favorite streaming platforms.

As the summer heat weighs heavy on your physical, let “Hot Air Balloons” uplift you with a sense of calming cool. Enjoy the vibes below.

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