New year, new Cue. Well, it’s the same OnCue we’ve grown to know and love, complete with the always updating system, but he’s kicking off 2020 with what would appear to be even more energy. And, if you were following the course of his career last year, you already recognize how much of a problem more energy from Cuey is going to be this year.
“No Setbacks” is a fucking bop, of course. The vibrant production that comes courtesy of Ymar bounces alongside the fiery, anthemic delivery of OnCue as he rattles off a duo of verses tucked between the records explosive hook. This one is going to shine whenever it’s brought out at a live performance, but it serves its purpose wonderfully blasting out the speakers in the meantime. It always fascinates me the ways in which Cuey is able to bring reflective and personal prose to the table but present it in such a colorful fashion. “No Setbacks” plays like a page from his diary, written at a time when he was clearly feeling himself and the position he’s worked towards. Wrap that content and energy up in Ymar’s instrumentation, and you’ve got the banger in full effect.
“No Setbacks” is available now on all your favorite streaming platforms.
Press play below.