There’s something truly inspiring watching youthful creatives push artistic boundaries and step even deeper outside their realm of comfort in order to create. Whether that involves packing up and moving away from home or busting their ass at a 9-5 in order to fund their passion projects, you can feel – and feed off of – the hunger that exists within the heads and hearts of those willing to make sacrifices and take risks in order to bring their visions to life.
Enter Natalie Green, a young man originally from Connecticut who has quite the story behind him and what would appear to be one heck of a story still to be told. With So Far, So Good readily available, Green returns with the official visual treatment for “Dart Hill.”
Directed by Seannie Bryan, “Dart Hill” is a visually stimulating piece of cinematography that features layered and thought-provoking imagery helping to bring the already moving record to life. As the short film plays through, accompanied by the rolling ambiance of the soundscape, viewers are left to decipher the message and meaning contained within and without the visual and sonic elements of “Dart Hill.” And, quite frankly, this one is a trip. From the smooth edits to the story at hand, “Dart Hill” is an artsy performance piece that walks upon the very fine line separating authentic expression and pseudo-depth. You might not get it. I’m not so certain I get it. And that’s OK. Because transcending the artist’s message is an aura of authenticity that finds a strong foundation in the desire – the need – to create, express and innovate.
“Dart Hill,” beyond the captivating visual, is a beautiful song. Calm emotion radiates through Green’s soothing delivery, coupling with the peaceful vibrance of the instrumentation and resulting in a listening experience. I suggest enjoying the video but also taking time to sit with the record itself. Bask in the sonic happenings, allow our protagonist’s prose to resonate and sink deep into the waves of emotion that emanate from both the backdrop and the lyrical content.
One of the most appealing aspects of “Dart Hill” is the budget – or lack thereof – from which it manifested. There’s an element of enchantment in the artistic drive of independent artists, who manage to bring their wild visions to life despite a lack of funds, support and even time. When you watch “Dart Hill,” imagine the paradigm shifting art that might blossom from a real budget. Because this video came to life completely out of pocket – that’s dedication, determination and perseverance. And that, my friends, is inspiring.
“Dart Hill” lives on So Far, So Good, which is available now on all your favorite streaming platforms.
Press play below.