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Watch Now: LVDY - Dust (Live)

One of my favorite aspects of Sugarshack is the collectives eclectic range of music they showcase on their channel. My musical taste is all over the place, but I’ll always hold a special spot in my heart for the – at a risk of sounding cliche – spiritual-based music. Those sounds that resonate with mindfulness, love and positive energy. So, it was quite the treat being put on to LVDY thanks to the good people at Sugarshack, who linked with the Denver-based duo to capture a moving rendition of “Dust.”

“Dust” kicks off with soulful, impassioned vocals that feature a heavy gospel vibe, before breaking down into a vibey, engaging bop of a record. Between the enchanting singing and the decadent guitar, there’s a wondrous sonically symbiotic dance taking place. It’s as if the two elements of “Dust” are craddling the other, helping both reach their highest peak. And, man, there is some truly hypnotic harmonizing going on that is well worth running the visual back a few times to experience again and again.

As Kathleen Hooper and Aubrey Mable glide through the live performance, the viewer is able to feel the aura of authenticity that encompasses LVDY. The energy flowing through their physical movements – it’s as real as real can be.

Enjoy “Dust” below.

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