Man, what about this performance won’t you love? To say it’s a vibe would be an understatement – it’s the sonic playground that’ll fill you up with childlike bliss, leaving a warmth of positive energy flowing through your mind, body and soul.
“Spirit Walk” features wondrously juxtaposing deliveries from Kuf Knotz and Christine Elise, who bring their respective vocals to the Sugarshack Session. Knotz laces the performance with spirited bars that’ll open your mind and resonate deep within your psyche, while Elise envelopes “Spirit Walk” with her angelic song. Coupled together, the streams of consciousness from Kuf and the angelic delivery of Christine become an ethereal journey for all those who press play.
And then you get to the backdrop of vibrantly enchanting instrumentation. Whoa. The live artistry taking place around Christine and Knotz becomes a journey in and of itself – it’s an uplifting, multidimensional listening experience, adding a new life to the already engaging “Spirit Walk.”
Experience the vibes below.